Meeting with Ursula Wynhoven, Global Director of the UN Global Compact and the Assistant Secretary General of Human Resources of the United Nations.
But if it’s simpler, you can just call me Lou. Here’s my short bio:
Louis Carter, MA, is founder and CEO of Most Loved Workplace, Best Practice Institute, Results Based Culture and the author of more than 10 books on best practices in leadership and management, including; Change Champion’s Field Guide, In Great Company and Best Practices in Talent Management.
His goal is to empower companies to make data-driven decisions, create positive changes, and foster a thriving work environment.
He is voted as one of Global Gurus Top 10 Organizational Culture gurus in the world and is one of the top advisers to C-level executives, helping them and their organizations achieve measurable results.
Louis Carter’s newest book is In Great Company: How to Spark Peak Performance by Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace (McGraw Hill)
Louis Carter is known for creating the full system programs in leadership development, starting with his first book with Warren Bennis, Best Practices in Leadership Development, which profiled 12 Fortune 500 organizations and their leadership development programs including Bose, Imasco, Abbott, Colgate-Palmolive, and more.
Louis Carter is a partner with Newsweek to publish the Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces and runs a separate BPI branded entity to provide benchmarking and data insights to Most Loved Workplace companies.
It’s notable to add that Louis Carter developed a Machine Learning model that combines sentiment analysis and emotion classification into a single, powerful tool, giving insights into employee experiences and emotions. Unlike binary classification models, Carter and his Most Loved Workplace research team tackles the complexity of sentiments and emotions by considering multiple labels for each task. This allows Most Loved Workplace to capture a wide range of nuances and provide more accurate recommendations for improving employee performance, retention, and overall satisfaction. With this advanced model, Carter and his team can analyze employee comments, extract key insights, and offer targeted suggestions for immediate action.
All Most Loved Workplace transformations begin with a key champion at the top or a champion working with someone at the top, where the baseline for a loving workplace is established. By working closely with the Executive Sponsor and key stakeholders, together we create a positive vision for a more loving future. First, we analyze the current Most Loved Workplace® state. Then we take part in defining a positive vision for a Most Loved Workplace® including loving leadership behaviors, business needs and requirements, desired results, individual, team, and company loving workplace goals and behaviors.
During this phase, we design and facilitate Most Loved Workplace® co-creation sessions to design trusted partner agreements and more loving and caring relationships between alliance and fractured relationships. This leads to elevated levels of trust, understanding, caring, and shared purpose to create the foundation for a Most Loved Workplace.
Trusted partners and the Most Loved Workplace co-creation team follow through on promises, goals, and practices developed during sessions. Most Loved Leaders emerge from fractured and alliance relationships. Teams hold each other accountable by following up on a consistent and regular basis to ensure the new Most Loved Culture is sustainable. The more leaders and teams follow up, the greater the chances the benefits of a Most Loved Workplace will happen.
Most Loved Workplace® results are tracked using agile and adjustable tools that allow for continuous evaluation and change. Gaps in loving leadership effectiveness, team performance, and organizational results are clarified and defined. A new project plan for Most Loved Workplace® transformation is established based on this tracking stage.
When leaders are in-tune with their purpose and in alignment with their values, those attributes can be effectively adopted throughout the organization to create a workplace that is loved, both by its employees, as well as its customers.
You need an expert with a proven track-record to guide your company to achieve its ultimate mission. I’m your guy.
Louis Carter is a trailblazer in the field of organizational development with his groundbreaking research in the area of emotional connection as a means to create positive, values-based movements inside of organizations to drive peak performance- where people bring their whole self to work. His organizational culture programs have impacted millions of employees worldwide for most of the Fortune 500 and more such as Corning, Pfizer, Volvo, FRBNY, Kimberly Clark, Bank of America, KeyBank, NYSE, GSK, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Boston Scientific, Merck, J&J, BMS, Aramco, Equinor, Madison Square Garden, Springfield Healthcare Clinic, the United Nations and many others.
Founder and CEO of the Best Practice Institute and CEO Executive coach, Carter is the author of 11 books in leadership and management and the recipient of numerous accolades, including the top 10 Global Guru award in Organizational Culture, top products award by HRTech, top leadership executive by Leadership Excellence Magazine, ELearning! Magazine’s Trailblazer Award, and was chosen out of 16,000 applicants as one of 100 executive coaches to be in the Marshall Goldsmith MG100 group.
He created the Emotional Connectedness Index (ECI) and Emotionally Connected Leader 360 (ECL360) and has conducted extensive research on what makes a Most Loved Workplace. He is also the creator of the first-ever anytime feedback tool, skillrater, a Top HR Product of the Year by Human Resources Executive Magazine which transformed the industry of performance management, and a performance tracking tool, spapper.
Widely sought after as an expert in the field, Lou has taught at the Tsinghua School of Business and People’s University in Beijing, Jackson State University, Seton Hall University, and Universal Network Intelligence (UNI) in Asia. He has been quoted and profiled by CNBC, Forbes, Fast Company, Investor’s Business Daily, Business Watch Magazine, Pando Daily, CEO World Magazine, and CIO Magazine, and more; and his research and teaching have been translated all over the world. He received his BA cum laude in Economics and Government from Connecticut College and Brown University. And, Louis achieved his MA in Social/Organizational Psychology from Columbia University with honors from Kappa Delta Pi.
Become an even more successful and effective leader and company today.
The Global Gurus List ranks the top 30 of the world’s best experts in various fields like Leadership, Coaching, Organizational Culture, NLP and more.
He has spoken to the Prime Minister of the UAE’s HR Lighthouse Initiative, Pentagon and UN officials, and various international conferences on his work and research.
Become an even more successful and effective leader and company today.
Nominated by his peers and selected from hundreds of submissions, Carter “continues to blaze a path for global learning leaders, provoking traditional thinking in social collaboration, technology, and feed-forward appreciative coaching.”
Best Practice Institute introduced a new social network,, that makes it easy for members to request work performance ratings from managers, co-workers, and direct reports across a domestic and global workforce.
My Senior Executive Board is a hand-picked group of CHROs, CTOs, and Heads of Talent Management who have a passion for making the world, executives, and our organizations a better place. If you are interested in being considered if and when a seat opens up on the Board, please contact me to set up an initial conversation.
Meeting with the general manager, head of analytics at the texas rangers stadium, we hit issues around how we predict the behaviors and actions of employees and consumers of our world’s best organizations.
Meeting with top Pentagon officials, we targeted and benchmarked key areas around organization strategy, career transition, and result-driven change.
Meeting with Mehmood Khan, the Chief Scientific Officer of Pepsico, David Deacon, the Chief Talent Officer of MasterCard along with his team of innovators, we discussed how we can design our own centers for talent and consumer product innovations.
Meeting with Ursula Wynhoven, Global Director of the UN Global Compact and the Assistant Secretary General of Human Resources of the United Nations.
I invite you to speak with my team about working with us in our executive coaching, or leadership training and development program!