Hello, my name is Marchall Goldsmith and I’m an executive educator, I’m an executive coach and I’m an author.
I am very excited to talk about our a 100 Coaches project. So I’ve tried to pick a great group of people and I really love the people I’ve selected. One thing I’ve been amazed about in our 100 coaches so far is not that they’re smart; I read their BIOS I know every one of these people is very smart people. What I’ve been amazed is how nice they are as well how kind, how generous.
So Louis Carter is the CEO Best Practice Institute, he is a top advisor to C level executives of major companies, author of 10 books including “Change Champions Field Guide”. In his newest book “In Great Company” he is a person who studied organization, understands what they do well, what they don’t do well. He is an expert on many facets involved with developing people.