Transformational Leadership – Let’s Transform Ourselves and Others During Time of Chaos

My Invitation to Transform Yourself in Times of Chaos – Transformational Leadership

Dee once said, “Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.”

Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of Visa credit card organization in his book, Birth of the Chaordic Age spoke of the need for strong transformational leadership in an otherwise chaotic world.

Today, I was confronted with enormous amounts of fear. And, I wondered – why may this be happening? Is it me?
Then I stopped and thought – Of course it is! I was expecting it, and guess what, I got it!

Then I changed, stopped and meditated, and changed my reality to one of positivity – a positive future.

Now more than ever as we are resetting the world with chaos, we need peace, empathy, emotional regulation, and yes, love for ourselves and others. In the midst of this chaos, emotions flare. You have control over how you react to these emotions.

For just a moment:

  1. Stop everything you are doing.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath – a long breath and exhale.
  3. Let go of what you think you know.
  4. Create your vision of you and the world you want.
  5. You are the “I am” of your “I am.”
  6. Repeat “I am” and fill in the blank of what you want to be.

Some I am’s I find helpful are:

  • I am safe.
  • I am loved.
  • I am wise.
  • I am respected.

What is your “I am?”

Now more than ever, fear is taking over. I, like you, take all precautions of physical distancing. And, this can be scary and challenging to most people – especially those who are used to being together socially on a consistent basis.

Would you like to transform with me?

I invite you to move your attention to your responses and how you lead, trust, and respect others.

The words “I will” create a new reality for you and others. Here are some examples of “I wills”:

  • I will help others feel safe.
  • I will help others feel loved.
  • I will help others feel respected.
  • I will help others feel wise.

In our new world, I invite you to move your attention to what you most like to manifest in your life. For the good of yourself. For the good of your loved ones. And, the good of all humanity.

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